
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 30: Daniel (Revised Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Uncover the mysteries of Daniel with leading Old Testament scholar John Goldingay. Goldingay illuminates Daniel’s historical setting and uses it to explain the book’s prophecies. he analyzes the composition of the book, and provides a fresh translation. The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture...

(see Form). They are not distinctively priestly and the four young men have no specifically priestly traits;67 the portrayal in vv. 3–5 is royal. Each name lacks a patronymic (like the names in Neh 8 and 10) and each is theophoric: Daniyye’l, “God is my judge”; Ḥananyah, “Yah has been gracious”; Miša’el, “Who is what God is?”; ‘Azaryah, “Yah has helped.” Giving (new) names as a sign of (new) ownership and thus (new) destiny68 was common court practice: cf. Joseph/Zaphnat-paneah, Eliakim/Jehoiakim,
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